Why Archers Arena?
Why Choose Archers Arena?
With more and more archery facilities opening up their doors in the GTA, people will start to wonder where they will have the best experience. Although we do believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, here are a list of reasons why we think Archers Arena should be at the top of your list.
There is no better way to make sure that you will be getting an awesome archery experience than by having coaches there that not only love what they do, but also enjoy teaching and sharing their knowledge of the art that is the efficient handling of a bow and arrow. From private lessons to team learning, our coaches are more than experienced enough to handle large groups and make sure each individual is capable of hitting targets by the end of the session. We pride ourselves in our know-how, and nothing makes us happier than knowing that we have successfully taught people, and helped them become better archers along the way.
From our awesome, chill-out zone lobby to our comfy party room, we at Archers Arena know how to greet guests and keep them entertained while they’re waiting for the late comers of their group. Our range offers a variety of targets, from hanging ducks, to our human cut-out form (affectionately named Will). We also have two courts which offer two completely different challenges in their arrangements, along with sniper towers in-between and an array of bunkers varying in shapes and sizes.
Champions Arena
Our new baby, Champions Arena allows for full-out, yet completely safe, medieval combat the likes of which has never been seen in an archery facility. You get to choose from 6 completely different classes to fight each other, each with exclusive perks that can give your team an edge. From hack and slash to Tower Defense, different game types allow for different strategies, and teamwork is a must if you want to come out victorious! Jedi Master also guarantees a unique, killer workout, just as fun as defeating hordes of foes with a lightsaber sounds like it would be.
For our more competitive athletes, we hold regular tournaments where the best come toe-to-toe and compete for the chance to face our undefeated coach team! Every tournament has seen its fair share of excitement, with underdogs overcoming previous champs, and the emergence of new talent to come learn from the established forerunners. A great opportunity to come witness the sport of combat archery at a higher level, and learn from some of the best.
What really sets us apart if the feeling of belonging that we bestow over all that wish for it. We are a welcoming, friendly facility who tends to attract warm, cheerful individuals, and our fast-growing group of regulars (or members) easily link up and build friendships from a common interest. We are always growing, and love to have people come in who can help keep us growing and better ourselves, because at the end of the day, we really are here for the love of the sport, and that is all we want to share with everyone that comes through our doors.