Regional Tournament!
Ladies and gentlemen, these are great times indeed! Not only do we get to witness the birth of an entirely new sport, but we also get to see it evolve and grow faster than we could have ever hoped for. You have read correctly: Archers Arena has the honor of hosting the first ever Regional Tournament! What does that entail? It means teams from cities such as Ottawa, Montreal, London and Waterloo are coming down to Toronto for a high-caliber combat archery tag tournament on February 5th 2017.
At first, the idea of combat archery tag was to be just a fun little game that combines elements and tactics from numerous other enjoyable pastimes, but it has quickly transformed into a more competitive gameplay than that. It has effectively morphed itself into a team sport, where communication, teamwork and chemistry are a must to bring your team to victory.
It’s a great feeling to see that we are going somewhere, moving forward, and that there are awesome people all over the country who share a passion for this new sport. Personally, I find that there isn’t anything quite as satisfying as hitting a moving target. It triggers something in me that’s almost like basic animal instinct, and intensifies the experience I get out of it as a whole. I’ve always been very competitive, and firing my bow brings that side out even more when I am met with other people who are on the same wavelength as me. Catching someone’s arrow, as well as dodging shots flying for your head, both give you such a satisfying feeling and keeps the intensity high up there.
Part of the pleasure is to continuously face new people that can surprise you with new tactics, new shots, or even with a faster quick-draw than yours. This tournament is going to allow for such surprises to take place and for a new flame of competition to set us all on fire. After all, this becomes a competition between cities as to who is the best. Obviously, we aim to win. All that being said, if you still haven’t had the chance to try it out, make sure you give yourself the pleasure of doing so! It’s a lot of fun, and you can bring in a group of people who will take it as seriously as you, depending on what kind of experience you want to have.
If you’ve already played before and do want a more competitive feel, come on over on Tuesday nights at 7:30 for Coach Night, 20$ for the whole evening, where you get to play with/against regular members and coaches. Definitely a step up from what you may be used to, so come prepared!