Guest appearance at Anime North 2017!
Anime North (May 26th to 28th) is right around the corner, and we are pleased to say that we have once again been invited to have our own space since we were such a huge success last year. Ours was indeed one of the biggest attractions at the event, and we intend to keep that status this year as well. Combat archery tag has been on a steady rise since it came to be a few years ago, and we are proud to be the top facility of the regions in and out of Toronto.
Some of you may be wondering: what on Earth is Anime North? Well, to give you a small idea, Anime North is in fact a convention that celebrates Japanese culture in close to every way, shape and form. Primarily, anime, manga, music, and games are most heavily featured, along with numerous guest appearances from people who are somewhat influential in that scene.
One of the best features in my opinion, at any convention, is the cosplaying. No matter your preference of genre, your ability at creating costumes (or simply buying one), or even how resembling you are to the actual character, none of that matters. There’s an implied understanding that any and all cosplay is awesome, and that’s the end of it. Some people take it even a step further, and actually want to learn the style of fighting different weapons require, or simply want to get absorbed in a world outside of their own. That’s where we come in.
Archers Arena offers not only the obvious bow-wielding experience through target shooting and combat archery tag, but we also have our own larping (live action role-playing) system through Champions Arena. We allow these people who want to explore new and exciting worlds a very real way to do just so. From bows and arrows, to dual-wielding swords, sword and shield, or even katanas (and maybe some lightsabers), we have what it takes to make your experience personable, memorable, and unique to you.
Everyone I know of has his or her own entry point to archery; whether it’s an actual person, a character, or even a game. Personally, The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time was my gateway to loving archery (and horseback riding, but that’s another story), as well as my huge crush for Legolas and the elves in The Lord of the Rings. Simply because they were just so damn cool. My point being that everything we see or watch influences our likes and dislikes, and the fact that archery is represented in such a bad-ass way through so many mediums only enhances one’s experience when they come and play at Archers Arena; seeing as regular people can let themselves become their own hero from their own story.
Tournament Results!
March 26th saw another combat archery tag tournament being held at Archers Arena, and once again, it proved to be a success. Our pool of competitive battle archery players keeps growing and the results of this tournament were extremely close. Our plan of splitting up old, dominating archery dodgeball teams (Blood Bath and Beyond, and Wetshots) ended up being an interesting factor for every team, but especially for the players that were always used to playing together. Facing their old teammates was “really cool and fascinating” as one of them later mentioned to me.
What was fascinating in my eyes was how differently they ended up playing among new players. Not only did they have to gage their new teams’ strengths and weaknesses, they also had to remember those of their buddies so they could exploit what information they had on them. It was a beautiful coming together of old and new discussing strategy and forging plays in order to win a match.
Furthermore, this time around we limited our archery dodgeball tournament to 6 teams, allowing rematches to better gage not only endurance, but how well players and teams evolve together. This new system was definitely a favourite for many players, along with a new twist changing team count from 6 to 5, creating a whole new level of intensity in gameplay. Each arrow fired had to count, and strategies were evolving with every round.
Some other highlights include:
- Shooting arrows at our brand new red ducks for target practice in our range to keep both mind and body warm and ready to go in between matches;
- each team had one coach to play with them, allowing balance to be had in this combat archery tag tournament while making it more interesting for every team coming in;
- retired coaches and members showed up for the tournament, and they had to acknowledge they were now out of practice and on a lower skill level than the new generation;
- an array of creative team names were had: The Lords of the Strings, Power Rangers, XxX, Shake’N’Bake, Strap-Ons, and Bowthoven’s 5th Stringphany;
- new players ended up doing great plays, wonderful headshots and fantastic catches;
- our archery-loving community keeps growing and expanding and that is awesome.
The victors were the cleverly named The Lords of the Strings (personal favourite pun), which was composed of 4 higher level players instead of the regulated 5, winning by only 1 point at 19. Second place was the less-cleverly named Strap-Ons with 18 points, a team that has been building itself from the ground up at Archers Arena with constant practice and coming out on Coach nights (every Tuesday). Goes to show that dedication really pays off. Third place ended up being a tie between XxX, and Power Rangers at 17 points.
Here’s to a next tournament just as successful! Keep a look out for it in upcoming blogs or through our Archers Arena facebook page.
Intense Training at Archers Arena Thursday Nights!
We are now introducing a new evening where you can interact and evolve alongside coaches and members, as well as other fellow players who want to improve. You may already be familiar with our regular Coach nights, every Tuesday evenings, but you may not have heard yet of Thursdays being our combat archery tag training nights. None other than our own Jones Santiago is behind the idea, and he has been working hard to provide the ideal drills and necessary exercises to create a solid archery dodgeball player.
The idea behind the whole process is not only to help players hone their skills, but also to get healthier and fitter by going through 3 separate segments of training during the evening. With the training running for a little over an hour, we are subject to a cardio warm-up, body-weight workout, and drills. The warm-up is simple enough, it’s to get your body ready to work through cardio. The workout aims at developing core strength, while the drills focus on your agility. It’s a killer combination to turn you into someone more agile that can keep up with faster-paced gameplay.
Although there is a strong physical component to Jones’ training, there is also an archery component incorporated. During the whole session, you must keep your bow at your side, and use it throughout. Within the drills, there are multiple arrow reloading and shooting scenarios, which have you aiming at targets near and far, all in the interest of developing your instincts and furthering your accuracy while under pressure. It teaches you to focus and take control of your nerves before they take control of you.
Another huge part of combat archery tag is teamwork; you’re only as good as your weakest link. Not only communication is vital, but knowing your teammates and how to work together is a huge part of winning the games. Higher level of archery dodgeball requires smart gameplay, and you have to be on your toes as it constantly evolves. That’s why within the drills training, Jones can pair us up in teams to create a competitive environment to put us under more pressure to perform. Getting acquainted not only with your teammates, but also with that pressure, ensures that it doesn’t take you by surprise anymore whilst playing.
The intent in the end is to give you more control over your own body, by becoming faster, stronger and more agile. We want you to be able to move as fast as you think, so you can have an edge over your adversaries. This program will develop numerous facets of your personality, while offering training you won’t find anywhere else. You’ll always have a team there to support you, and push you forward in your development, wherever you want it to go. Come give it a try: you have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain from just one session.