Sweat It Out in Style: Archers Arena Fitness Centre in Toronto!
Ready to get those muscles moving and heart pounding? We're not just about arrows here at Archers Arena - we're also about fitness! Wanna break a sweat and have a blast doing it? Then our indoor basketball gym is just what you need.
Have you ever dreamed of having a private gym just for you and your crew? Well, dream no more! Our private indoor basketball gym is all yours, making it perfect for you and 8-12 of your friends. And when we say private, we mean it. No sharing the court with strangers, just pure unadulterated ball time with your pals!
We've got two different spaces for you - the Big Half Court & Weight Gym, and the Small Full Court. Take your pick and gear up for some serious fun! But wait, it gets better. For just $12 per person per hour, you'll have all the court time you can handle. We do have a minimum charge - $24/hr from Monday to Thursday and $48/hr from Friday to Sunday.
Big Half Court & Weight Gym
Small Full Court
Worried about the summer heat? Fear not! Our private gym rental service will help you beat the heat while staying fit. Our arena is fully air-conditioned, so you can work up a sweat while staying cool and comfortable. Whether you're into basketball, badminton, kick boxing, or tai chi, we've got all the space and equipment you need.
That's not all, folks! We're launching our Fitness and Combat Program. Brace yourselves, because this is a FREE 6-week transformation program designed to take your fitness game to a whole new level. To kick things off, all you need to do is book a consultation with our coaches or fill out a form to start. We'll get back to you as soon as we can. Check out this video to get a glimpse of what you’re in for!
So Toronto, are you ready to hoop it up and get fit at Archers Arena? Because we can't wait to see you take your game to the next level. Let's get this fitness party started!
Want to know more? Email us at info@archersarena.com or give us a call at (647)-992-7362. For more info, check out our website https://archersarena.com
Guest appearance at Anime North 2017!
Anime North (May 26th to 28th) is right around the corner, and we are pleased to say that we have once again been invited to have our own space since we were such a huge success last year. Ours was indeed one of the biggest attractions at the event, and we intend to keep that status this year as well. Combat archery tag has been on a steady rise since it came to be a few years ago, and we are proud to be the top facility of the regions in and out of Toronto.
Some of you may be wondering: what on Earth is Anime North? Well, to give you a small idea, Anime North is in fact a convention that celebrates Japanese culture in close to every way, shape and form. Primarily, anime, manga, music, and games are most heavily featured, along with numerous guest appearances from people who are somewhat influential in that scene.
One of the best features in my opinion, at any convention, is the cosplaying. No matter your preference of genre, your ability at creating costumes (or simply buying one), or even how resembling you are to the actual character, none of that matters. There’s an implied understanding that any and all cosplay is awesome, and that’s the end of it. Some people take it even a step further, and actually want to learn the style of fighting different weapons require, or simply want to get absorbed in a world outside of their own. That’s where we come in.
Archers Arena offers not only the obvious bow-wielding experience through target shooting and combat archery tag, but we also have our own larping (live action role-playing) system through Champions Arena. We allow these people who want to explore new and exciting worlds a very real way to do just so. From bows and arrows, to dual-wielding swords, sword and shield, or even katanas (and maybe some lightsabers), we have what it takes to make your experience personable, memorable, and unique to you.
Everyone I know of has his or her own entry point to archery; whether it’s an actual person, a character, or even a game. Personally, The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time was my gateway to loving archery (and horseback riding, but that’s another story), as well as my huge crush for Legolas and the elves in The Lord of the Rings. Simply because they were just so damn cool. My point being that everything we see or watch influences our likes and dislikes, and the fact that archery is represented in such a bad-ass way through so many mediums only enhances one’s experience when they come and play at Archers Arena; seeing as regular people can let themselves become their own hero from their own story.
Mobile Archery, Nerf, and Bubble Soccer!
Having a big corporate outing and you would rather host it than moving everyone around in an attempt to keep things simple and organized? Archers Arena has the answer for you. Archers Arena has special packages prepared specifically for those who have the space and the will to receive our battle archery and/or nerf mobile kits. Our website offers additional information on all possible packages and deals, but here is exactly why you should entrust your event to us:
When it comes to combat archery tag, we have held numerous stations outside for all sorts of different events. We have ranged from being a top attraction at the TNT Night Market to being a fan favourite at multiple Frosh Weeks for Universities and Colleges, so you can imagine the scale at which we can function. Therefore, it becomes safe to say that Toronto already knows us as the specialists we are when it comes to battle archery, otherwise referred to as archery dodgeball. We bring along all the protection and equipment needed, as well as bunkers and huge inflatable walls to delimit the perimeter. Our games are tried and true, and our coaches know exactly how to handle all sorts of different groups.
As for Nerf, although it is our newest attraction here at Archers Arena, it is already becoming a major success. Our choice of weaponry along with the very low amount of jams and hiccups we have experienced is a direct result of learning from all the mistakes other branches of nerfing have had at different facilities. We’ve done our homework in order to bring the best out of Nerf at Archers Arena. We are ready to bring you nerfing in our own special way, with high quality weapons such as Rival and N-Strike, for ammo capacity, reload speed, low to no jamming systems, and overall precision. As for game modes? They mostly follow the general Nerf Wars guidelines, but we do add some combat archery tag game modes or twists, simply to make the games that much more interesting. An exciting twist on an already great system.
Lastly, we do offer to bring along our inflatable bubble soccer kit. We let you play with the huge bubbles as you want, or we can set up different games with them; whichever suits your needs best. Bubble soccer is an instant favorite as both a daily activity or something to do during a break from the main events: battle archery or nerf. The option is there for your consideration.
Summer is right around the corner, and everyone is starting to feel the urge to go outside and soak up the sun. Evidently, this will be done when the weather allows for it, just as combat archery tag and Nerf Wars played outside will both become viable options. Mobile archery and Nerf are both becoming very popular, so make sure to book online in advance to guarantee our services, or give us a call at 647-992-7362.
18 Benefits of Playing Combat Archery Tag at Archers Arena!
Archery is widely known as being a therapeutic sport because of its calm, focused nature. However, combat archery tag (or archery dodgeball) is a much more active version of archery, which still encompases many of the same benefits, along with a few more of its own. The following are just some of the perks or skills you get out of playing combat archery tag here at Archers Arena.
1. Exercise
Combat archery tag is known as a workout; you will be leaving sweaty and satisfied.
2. Upper Body Strength
The constant, repetitive motions of drawing and firing a bow activates the major core muscle groups in the upper body.
3. Agility
Your reflexes and quick moves will be put to the test while playing archery dodgeball, allowing for constant improvement.
4. Instincts
At Archers Arena we encourage instinctive archery, which means less thinking and more feeling for more accurate results. Having a clear mind really does improve and sharpen your skills.
5. Balance
To successfully hit stationary targets, stillness is key, therefore control of your body is essential, and that develops one's balance.
6. Hand-Eye Coordination
Not only does it improve by shooting, it also improves with catching oncoming arrows.
7. Mental Focus
This is a big one. You have to both focus on hitting your target, while also keeping track of everything else going on in the game.
8. Analytical Skills
Because there is so much going on during a game, players eventually pick up prioritizing certain plays or tactics to either gain the advantage or survive an onslaught.
9. Teamwork/Communication
Lone wolves don't survive in the arena, no matter their potential. Working as a team always brings the best results as one player may see something others don't. Communicating is key to adapting to given circumstances.
10. Patience
The key to winning in archery dodgeball is patience, along with timing. Mastering archery takes time and requires a certain softness, kind of like a bow itself.
11. Confidence
Another big one. Seeing yourself improve and your shots landing is always a great way to boost both your self-esteem and your confidence, along with our encouraging coaches.
12. Community
We at Archers Arena are building a community of players that simply love the sport, and we all support and push each other to get better. There is nothing but love here, and it really shines through.
13. Safety
We provide arm guards and helmets, as well as a training which shows you how to handle our equipment safely and effectively.
14. Stress-Relief
No better way to let off steam than by shooting other people and they still get to walk away unscathed.
15. Two Outlooks
Combat archery tag can be conducted both in and outdoors.
16. It's Fun for Everyone
Kids and adults alike always enjoy their experience with us, and who can blame them? Archery is already badass, and now you get to make an hero out of yourself on our courts.
17. New Sport
Combat archery tag is a relatively newly developed sport, meaning that there are still various techniques and tactics waiting to be discovered to enhance the game.
18. Easy to Learn
Literally anyone can pick up combat archery tag if they truly desire to. We provide in depth training to ensure every new person starts on the same level as everyone else, personal predispositions notwithstanding.
These are just a few of the reasons why both Archers Arena and combat archery tag have become such popular attractions for the people of Toronto, although archery dodgeball itself is making it's way worldwide. It really is a choice that you simply can't go wrong with because it appeals to everyone on different levels. Whether it's from the excitement of being a bow-wielding warrior to even just being a competitive person who enjoys pushing their own limits, there really is no bad reason to want to play the game.