Highlights from the International Combat Archery Tournament 2023 at Archers Arena Toronto!
Hey all you archery aficionados from coast to coast! 🏹 If you missed out on the action last weekend, let us fill you in! On August 26, 2023, Archers Arena hosted its International Combat Archery Tournament, and oh boy, did it set the city on fire!
A Smackdown Like No Other🏹
Teams from Boston, Montreal, Ottawa, and, of course, our very own Toronto, took to the battlefield in a show of archery mastery that had us all at the edge of our seats! And the winners? Drum roll, please! 🥁
🥇 1st Place: "Casual Tease" from Ottawa
🥈2nd Place: “Tri-City Originals” from Montreal
🥉 3rd Place: "Untouchabows" from Toronto
Big props to the champs and all the teams who battled it out for glory! 🎯
Kudos to Our Coaches and Game Masters!👏
Could this event have been so smooth without our amazing coaches? We think not! Hats off to our refs Manny, Arian, Aravindan, Kelvin, and let's not forget our hype-man and games master Arshia. These guys were the oil in the machine, keeping everything flowing seamlessly. 🔥 👌🏻
One Big Archery Family ❤
What warmed our hearts the most was the archery community coming together. We had participants from all across Canada and the US, united by the love of hitting bullseyes and dodging arrows. Shoutout to all the teams for showing up and making it a memorable day! 🎉
The Excitement Continues...
Can't get enough? Neither can we! The excitement's only going to ramp up, folks. Stay tuned for the next epic showdown—we promise it's going to be even bigger, bolder, and more arrow-tastic! 🏆
So, Toronto and all you die-hard combat archers, are you ready for the next challenge? Keep those bows at the ready and quivers full; we're just getting started!
Till then, keep practicing those shots and may your arrows always find their mark! 🏹
Guest appearance at Anime North 2017!
Anime North (May 26th to 28th) is right around the corner, and we are pleased to say that we have once again been invited to have our own space since we were such a huge success last year. Ours was indeed one of the biggest attractions at the event, and we intend to keep that status this year as well. Combat archery tag has been on a steady rise since it came to be a few years ago, and we are proud to be the top facility of the regions in and out of Toronto.
Some of you may be wondering: what on Earth is Anime North? Well, to give you a small idea, Anime North is in fact a convention that celebrates Japanese culture in close to every way, shape and form. Primarily, anime, manga, music, and games are most heavily featured, along with numerous guest appearances from people who are somewhat influential in that scene.
One of the best features in my opinion, at any convention, is the cosplaying. No matter your preference of genre, your ability at creating costumes (or simply buying one), or even how resembling you are to the actual character, none of that matters. There’s an implied understanding that any and all cosplay is awesome, and that’s the end of it. Some people take it even a step further, and actually want to learn the style of fighting different weapons require, or simply want to get absorbed in a world outside of their own. That’s where we come in.
Archers Arena offers not only the obvious bow-wielding experience through target shooting and combat archery tag, but we also have our own larping (live action role-playing) system through Champions Arena. We allow these people who want to explore new and exciting worlds a very real way to do just so. From bows and arrows, to dual-wielding swords, sword and shield, or even katanas (and maybe some lightsabers), we have what it takes to make your experience personable, memorable, and unique to you.
Everyone I know of has his or her own entry point to archery; whether it’s an actual person, a character, or even a game. Personally, The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time was my gateway to loving archery (and horseback riding, but that’s another story), as well as my huge crush for Legolas and the elves in The Lord of the Rings. Simply because they were just so damn cool. My point being that everything we see or watch influences our likes and dislikes, and the fact that archery is represented in such a bad-ass way through so many mediums only enhances one’s experience when they come and play at Archers Arena; seeing as regular people can let themselves become their own hero from their own story.
Tournament Results!
March 26th saw another combat archery tag tournament being held at Archers Arena, and once again, it proved to be a success. Our pool of competitive battle archery players keeps growing and the results of this tournament were extremely close. Our plan of splitting up old, dominating archery dodgeball teams (Blood Bath and Beyond, and Wetshots) ended up being an interesting factor for every team, but especially for the players that were always used to playing together. Facing their old teammates was “really cool and fascinating” as one of them later mentioned to me.
What was fascinating in my eyes was how differently they ended up playing among new players. Not only did they have to gage their new teams’ strengths and weaknesses, they also had to remember those of their buddies so they could exploit what information they had on them. It was a beautiful coming together of old and new discussing strategy and forging plays in order to win a match.
Furthermore, this time around we limited our archery dodgeball tournament to 6 teams, allowing rematches to better gage not only endurance, but how well players and teams evolve together. This new system was definitely a favourite for many players, along with a new twist changing team count from 6 to 5, creating a whole new level of intensity in gameplay. Each arrow fired had to count, and strategies were evolving with every round.
Some other highlights include:
- Shooting arrows at our brand new red ducks for target practice in our range to keep both mind and body warm and ready to go in between matches;
- each team had one coach to play with them, allowing balance to be had in this combat archery tag tournament while making it more interesting for every team coming in;
- retired coaches and members showed up for the tournament, and they had to acknowledge they were now out of practice and on a lower skill level than the new generation;
- an array of creative team names were had: The Lords of the Strings, Power Rangers, XxX, Shake’N’Bake, Strap-Ons, and Bowthoven’s 5th Stringphany;
- new players ended up doing great plays, wonderful headshots and fantastic catches;
- our archery-loving community keeps growing and expanding and that is awesome.
The victors were the cleverly named The Lords of the Strings (personal favourite pun), which was composed of 4 higher level players instead of the regulated 5, winning by only 1 point at 19. Second place was the less-cleverly named Strap-Ons with 18 points, a team that has been building itself from the ground up at Archers Arena with constant practice and coming out on Coach nights (every Tuesday). Goes to show that dedication really pays off. Third place ended up being a tie between XxX, and Power Rangers at 17 points.
Here’s to a next tournament just as successful! Keep a look out for it in upcoming blogs or through our Archers Arena facebook page.
March 26th Tournament, With a Twist!
On the 5th of February, Archers Arena hosted the 1st ever Eastern Canadian combat archery tag tournament. This article tells you all you need to know about how the event went down. Therefore, you know that walking away, our teams were a little disappointed, yet filled with the desire to win when the next tournament opportunity arises.
We have been dedicating every past Tuesday (Coach Nights) and Thursday (Training Nights) working at fine-tuning skills that push our limits and allow us to grow as better players. The loss to the Montreal team has only added fuel to the fire, and it’s with renewed, burning motivation that we will be taking on our next combat archery tag tournament, on the 26th of March.
Here is the twist! We are disbanding all our veteran teams to introduce mixed teams of old and new players. Stronger players are now separated instead of all playing together, allowing this tournament’s victor to really be in a position to fight for the title. With the right strategy, a whole team of less experienced players may create an upset and get away with the victory! You can believe however that everyone is training and aiming at bringing their best, so if you are interested in trying it out, I would highly recommend you set aside some time to come practice your aim, your catches, and your team if you have one. What happens if you don’t? Talk to one of our coaches and we will get you in on the action!
What makes this tournament so different and exciting is that we really don’t know who is going to come out on top since there is a varied and contrasting pool of talent in every team signed up so far. Literally everyone has a chance at winning, and victory will rely mostly on effective teamwork and communication.
The challenge has been issued! Any and all who want to have a try at competitive combat archery tag, otherwise known as archery dodgeball, may come out and give it a try. Make sure you sign your team up ahead of time online, or give us a call and we’ll make sure you have a spot reserved.
See you soon!
Play Nerf Wars at Archers Arena!
Since we have perfected the art of combat archery tag, we at Archers Arena have decided to take on a new challenge. Nerf Wars. You heard us right. Sometime in the near future, you will be able to use our facilities to come play games with Nerf guns!
Since we like to guarantee high quality experiences, we have obtained some of the best equipment on the market. We want to insure that the guns won’t jam because of faulty ammunition, while also leveling the playing field so players aren’t at a disadvantage because of the weapon they choose. All of our main guns are going to be Rival series, such as the Artemis for close quarters, and eventually the Nemesis for sniping up in our towers (when it comes out in Canada). In certain game modes, we might either include a Triad EX-3 Elite as a sidearm, or maybe have you play with it as a “Golden Gun” type of weapon. Last but not least, our Strongarm is a mix of both worlds; small, yet packs a punch and has more ammunition than the Elite.
We are coming up with a ton of different and innovative game modes we cannot wait to test out. As mentioned previously, our “Golden Gun” beta involves our little pistol. Every player starts with one bullet, the idea being one shot, one kill, and last man standing wins, in a Golden Eye Nintendo 64 themed game style. With our bigger guns, we are obviously planning some team matches, such as “Medicine Ball”, where there is a healing ball passed around that can be used to heal your teammates, where the goal is to capture the enemy’s ball before they get yours, or even “Team Deathmatch” where you group up into teams of 2-3 people and form temporary alliances with other groups until there’s only one team left standing.
We want to have a balanced session focused on game-play, and create the premium Nerf experience. We went out to other facilities to try it out, and gather the best feedback, with the purpose of combining them into one epic session containing none of the downsides we experienced in our outings. Our dedication to customer satisfaction is just that high. With a group of trigger-friendly enthusiasts like us, it’s bound to be a one of a kind experience filled with different kinds of challenges and fun times. Look for Nerf Wars at Archers Arena soon for a new thrill-inducing experience!
Popular Archery Icons and How They’ve Affected Today’s Archery
Archery has come and gone from the front interest line due to its growing and receding popularity on-screen with either movies or TV series, and even in video games. It becomes super trendy, and cool, and hip when viewers see their heroes handling a bow, and then when the movie or show dies down, or the game gets old, so does the archery trend before it comes right back strong as ever. So here is a tribute to the various inspirations and forms that archery has shown through to make its place in our culture throughout the times.
First off, I am going to start off with one of the classics of our culture; Robin Hood. There have been multiple takes on this very old tale, from the Disney animated movie featuring foxes as the main characters, to the very funny spoof Robin Hood: Men in Tights, and even the more serious feel the 2010 movie featuring Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett gave it. In all of them, Robin’s talents went uncontested and he managed some very impressive tricks with his bow and arrows, which no doubt have fueled the imagination of many a youth.
In the world of video games, I can go all the way back to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for inspiration. Playing as Link and shooting everything with the bow and winning challenges and competitions always gave me such a feeling of satisfaction that my own personal love for the art came from there. In more recent years, the reboot of Tomb Raider in 2013 had Lara survive with only a bow and arrows to start off her adventure, which obviously got me hooked, but so did a lot of other players from all the positive reviews the game received.
Probably one the most iconic bow-wielding characters in my opinion comes from the Lord of the Rings franchise. Being a personal favourite of mine, Legolas has all the moves down in the series and just flat-out makes archery look so damn good, and not just because of his looks. His elven efficiency and accuracy just change the name of the game, and he comes up with tactics that we can’t even begin to replicate (lack of having elephants handy being a main one), although when we play, some of us do come out with bruises from time to time, just as he will always sport one of his forehead after a battle.
There have been a lot of popular icons in the recent years popping up on screen, such as Katniss from The Hunger Games, Hawkeye in The Avengers, Merida in Disney and Pixar’s Brave and even Oliver Queen in the Green Arrow TV series, which have all fueled a different wave of archery love. People want to try it out and see how they fare at it, and generally, when archery is picked up, it’s rather hard to put back down. That being said, here at Archers Arena, we want people to find their true potential not only at archery, but at the new sport that has been created from it: combat archery tag. It brings out a whole new dimension reminiscent of video games and medieval combat. This new trend is definitely here to stay.
First Eastern Canadian Tournament. The Results are IN!
For those of you that might have missed all our original posts on the subject, on the 5th of February 2017, Archers Arena has hosted the first eastern Canadian combat archery tag tournament! From far in wide, Toronto has received a team from Ottawa, one from Windsor, two from Montreal, and we had five teams representing us. With intense gameplays fought, ridiculous turnabouts, quick moves and quick thinking, there is only one word we can use to describe this event: epic.
On the eve of the battle, both Ottawa and Montreal teams came to practice at the Arena, leading to the first contact between the various people who were going to play each other the next day. The comradery was frank and forthcoming, although you could tell that no one would go easy on the others the following day. It was great to see so many passionate people that just love the game of archery dodgeball, and who work at bettering themselves all the time.
When the morning came, coffee and breakfast were awaiting all the players, but the hype was already alive and going. The atmosphere was unreal, the anticipation crackled in the air as all awaited to take each other on. The game was on. Bows at the ready, getting the stretches in, focus was all on strategy and gameplay. Friendly banter in the air, with the underlying current of rivalry made it even more intense, yet still fun.
Throughout the morning, the plays were non-stop. Teams were learning how to face each other and strategies had to be changed and adapted to who was playing who. Evaluating the other players and understand how they play combat archery tag, and how to counter them was not an easy task, but it had to be done in order to win the tournament! After the first few rounds that comprised Round Robin style of play, Toronto came out on top with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, while Montreal took 4th and 5th.
However, in a complete change of pace during the finals, Montreal worked together for an epic comeback to win the tournament, and won against the newly reformed team Kyron’s Angels, known previously as Wetshots, which did end up winning our 7th local tournament. As prizes, Montreal Originals ended up going home with six of our beautiful, hand-painted 26 pound bows.
All there is left to say is that it was truly our pleasure to host such great teams from all over. All we can hope for is to have an even broader turnout from more Canadian cities in the next major tournament, which will be hosted sometime during the summer. We will be working out, and standardizing, Canadian rules so we can all train and play in the same frame of mind. Looking forward to the next epic combat archery tag Canadian tournament!
Combat Archery: 4 Reasons You Should Make Archers Arena Your New Gym Membership Option
If you’re like me, then you need motivation to work out. I find that going to a gym doesn’t cut it simply because it’s no fun. Running on a treadmill blankly staring at a TV (if you’re lucky), pedaling your life away without moving an inch, lifting weights over and over, I get bored rather quickly of the mind-numbing, same old, same old routine a gym offers. That’s why I’m always on the lookout for opportunities to play sports, where you have a clear and fun motivation to get active. Here is why getting a membership at Archers Arena for combat archery tag will save you the boredom of an average workout session.
If you’re playing the game properly, you will be constantly on the move. The more you’re moving, the harder it is to get a good shot at you. There’s also an initial sprint for the arrows in the safe zone at the beginning of every round. If you get to play full court, which means both of our courts combined, then you have two courts you need to cover and access at different points in the game to either press on the offensive, or support the defensive. It does require fast reflexes and quick moves because enemies can (and will) shoot at you cross-court. Dodging is a must if you want to survive long.
Upper Body
As mentioned previously, if you’ve never used a bow before, you will be surprised at all the muscles involved in the form. To have all of your power in a shot, you need to fully draw your bow. The only way you can properly do that is actually thanks mostly to your back, but also your shoulders, arms, and chest. We have bows that are 22, 26, and 29 pounds. Most competitive/athletic players end up using the 29 pound bows, which means every time they shot someone, they’re doing an upper body rep of 29 pounds. It might not seem like a lot, but in a session of an hour, you will easily have fired off close to 100 arrows. That’s close to 100 reps of 29 pounds in an hour.
Lower Body
As much as shooting is fun, you do need to pick up the arrows that you want to shoot. This implies that every time you reach for an arrow, you will either be lunging or squatting to reach. So if you take our earlier 100arrows per hour shooting statistic, it would mean you are performing around 100 squat and/or lunge throughout your hour session. In addition, when you are dodging, you are simply dropping out of the way, and demanding your muscles move quickly, so there’s constant use there too. And then there is hiding behind bunkers. None of them are tall enough for people to comfortably stand behind them to be hidden, which again would involve you to get down however you choose. However, when you go down, you must come up and muscles do come into play. It might not seem like much, but you do feel the burn the day after.
Other than the physical benefits of playing combat archery tag, there are also a lot more reasons to choose to get the membership here at Archers Arena. There are constantly more players getting high on the game, which ensures that the quality of gameplay on Coach Nights always exceeds expectations. We encourage playful competitiveness by still playing our hardest, but also taking it easy when the time or the situation calls for it. You will also get to meet and get close to our already existing and expanding pool of members and coaches. Best way to learn and get better is to interact with stronger players on and off the court. We’ve created an atmosphere of kinship here where everyone is friendly and warm toward one another. On a more technical note, you also get the chance to drop in once a day on existing sessions at no extra cost.
When it comes to combat archery tag, I find it to be a very effective workout because not only is it fast-paced stop and go, but you get to work some muscles you didn’t even know you had, especially if you’ve never handled a bow with arrows before. It helps build a strong core as well as develop quick reflexes, flexibility, and agility. Archers Arena also provides a great atmosphere to play and grow in. Just be prepared to work up a sweat when you come and try it out.
Archery Lessons at Archers Arena!
Wither you’re already an active combat archery tag (sometimes referred to as archery dodgeball) player, or you are still completely new to the whole archery thing, taking lessons is always an excellent way to get better faster. Our lessons are given by coaches that are both skilled and knowledgeable, so we do have a guarantee that we know what we’re talking about, simply because we use those techniques all the time when we play. Here are a few of the reasons why you should come to us to learn, either as a beginner, or as a fellow player.
Our Facility
Our facility is spacious and composed of two very separate archery parts. First off, we have our actual training range where there are various different targets placed around that offer different challenges. We also have the actual full-sized arena that can be used for further lessons depending on availability. Both courts offer their own share of varied challenges that will help better a player.
Our Coaches
As mentioned earlier, our archery coaches are professionals that actually know what they are talking about. This comes not only from being trained properly for coaching, but mostly because we play all the time, and therefore we ourselves learn and grow all the time. When you get to apply the principles you are teaching, that is when you get to understand them in a better, fuller way; and it inherently makes you better at your craft.
Personalized Training
Obviously every coach is at a different level, and some are better teachers than others, so we always make sure that clients coming in for lessons get the best possible coach for them, which will vary depending on the needs. We always assess our students’ strengths and weaknesses individually, then have them work on different things to assure constant improvement. You will always leave a session being better than you were walking in.
Consistency is Key
If you really want to get good, then the saying “practice makes perfect” definitely applies for archery. It is a very technical ability, and only through repetition will you really catch the flow of how it should go. If you start out at Archers Arena where we teach you the proper forms, stances, and techniques, then you can rest assured that your basis is going to be strong, and from there, you can choose to keep coming in for improvement, or you can keep improving on your own. As long as you keep practicing, then you won’t lose your touch. Alternatively, if you do need a refresher, we will still be here to gladly accommodate.
Unlike other facilities, all of our staff are avid players and love the game of combat archery tag for all the different challenges that it brings, but in the end, you always have to go back to basics (standard archery) to improve and evolve. There are always new ways to shoot that are brought into light, and it’s always fun to explore those different options with a teacher that can, and will, help better yourself. For a unique, personalized lesson in archery, Archers Arena is the place for you.
Regional Tournament!
Ladies and gentlemen, these are great times indeed! Not only do we get to witness the birth of an entirely new sport, but we also get to see it evolve and grow faster than we could have ever hoped for. You have read correctly: Archers Arena has the honor of hosting the first ever Regional Tournament! What does that entail? It means teams from cities such as Ottawa, Montreal, London and Waterloo are coming down to Toronto for a high-caliber combat archery tag tournament on February 5th 2017.
At first, the idea of combat archery tag was to be just a fun little game that combines elements and tactics from numerous other enjoyable pastimes, but it has quickly transformed into a more competitive gameplay than that. It has effectively morphed itself into a team sport, where communication, teamwork and chemistry are a must to bring your team to victory.
It’s a great feeling to see that we are going somewhere, moving forward, and that there are awesome people all over the country who share a passion for this new sport. Personally, I find that there isn’t anything quite as satisfying as hitting a moving target. It triggers something in me that’s almost like basic animal instinct, and intensifies the experience I get out of it as a whole. I’ve always been very competitive, and firing my bow brings that side out even more when I am met with other people who are on the same wavelength as me. Catching someone’s arrow, as well as dodging shots flying for your head, both give you such a satisfying feeling and keeps the intensity high up there.
Part of the pleasure is to continuously face new people that can surprise you with new tactics, new shots, or even with a faster quick-draw than yours. This tournament is going to allow for such surprises to take place and for a new flame of competition to set us all on fire. After all, this becomes a competition between cities as to who is the best. Obviously, we aim to win. All that being said, if you still haven’t had the chance to try it out, make sure you give yourself the pleasure of doing so! It’s a lot of fun, and you can bring in a group of people who will take it as seriously as you, depending on what kind of experience you want to have.
If you’ve already played before and do want a more competitive feel, come on over on Tuesday nights at 7:30 for Coach Night, 20$ for the whole evening, where you get to play with/against regular members and coaches. Definitely a step up from what you may be used to, so come prepared!
3 Great Reasons to Make Coach Night, Your Night!
As mentioned in previous blogs, Archers Arena has a special evening reserved for higher quality gameplay, where you can come and play with our coaches and members. Nights like these include a number of factors to enhance the original combat archery tag experience you might have previously had. The following are just a few reasons that give Coach Nights a step up from the regular archery experience.
One of our best features here at Archers Arena is indeed the staff. Our coaches simply love the game, have a lot of experience, and are a wealth of information and knowledge, not only about the game itself, but also about archery in general. Having one or two coaches on your team for the evening will definitely change the way you will view playing combat archery tag, because we bring leadership, techniques, and strategies. Our aim is to win! (Bonus: we are also very friendly.)
Community Spirit
You will also get to meet our members, who are also very good at playing combat archery tag! We believe that like attracts like, and we are currently building a community of people who genuinely love the sport. I mean what better than being able to shoot arrows at people you value without actually hurting them? There is no downside. Creating bonds and friendships is something that happens naturally within the walls of Archers Arena, and we attract truly great, caring people who have very interesting stories to tell. And what better way to consolidate bonds than through blood, sweat, and tears? Well, minus the blood and the tears, but it’s the thought that counts.
This outing is generally by invite, so you know that there won’t be players who can’t take a hit, or don’t know how to play. This isn’t the time to learn, it’s the time to bring to the table what you have. Teams play to win, and the intensity is very high while remaining fun and amicable. It’s really a great atmosphere everyone can strive in and improve. Different, elaborate game modes are put into practice, and incite quality from the plays put forward. There needs to be a good understanding of tactics and teamwork to be considered a good player. It is, after all, a team sport. And there is no “i” in “team”. We might also throw in some beta games to test, and that is a great time to get creative and share the passion we have here for the game.
In summation, we are giving out the opportunity for players to have the same intense game play as a tournament, but on a more regular basis, which allows for constant improvement. You will get to play with people you might be more used to facing, and learn from them to improve your own tactics. Eventually, you might be able to step up to a coach’s level. So come play!
Hear ye! Hear ye! 'Tis Tournament time! Again.
Due to the great success that was the last combat archery tag tournament at Archers Arena, we are now officially introducing our next event! This one is happening on the 22nd of January, and we are expecting a fierce competition once again. Players coming in have stepped up their game, and it gives the event an intense, competitive level of gameplay. Definitely not for the faint of heart!
Our latest tournament has been held on the 27th of November, in which we had a full roster of 9 teams competing. All of the teams were of high caliber and the competition itself was incredibly close. Every win had a huge impact on the score board, and yet, the spirit of comradery was incredible to witness. As intense as games could unfold to be, every team was a good sport, win or lose.
In our previous tournament, Wetshots had claimed the title of champions, but it was expected that Bloodbath and Beyond, our dethroned champions, were going to come back, bows blazing. Indeed, in a breathtaking finale, both teams ended up with a one point differential, which effectively returned the crown to the hands of its original owners: BB&B.
In a spectacular array of arrows fired, dodges made, headshots, bow shots, rolling catches, and overall archery excellence as well as incredible agility, speed, and skill, this tournament brought a whole new dimension to the sport of combat archery tag.
If you are new(ish) to the sport and still want to get a feel of what a more competitive gameplay entails, but with lesser stakes, we do have our Coach nights every Tuesday where you can come play for 20$ from 7 until close alongside both coaches and members. This is the perfect time to train and improve your archery skills, where we can show you the ropes of real combat archery tag, and develop tactics for you to get better. Come become a pro at quick-drawing and catching arrows while creating bonds with people who are just as passionate about the sport!
As is tradition, Archers Arena top coaches always face the champions at the end of the tournament. Needless to say, we are still undefeated after 8 tries! Here’s to us hoping to get an actual challenge next time around. So tell your friends, and come show us what you’re made of!