Mobile Archery, Nerf, and Bubble Soccer!
Having a big corporate outing and you would rather host it than moving everyone around in an attempt to keep things simple and organized? Archers Arena has the answer for you. Archers Arena has special packages prepared specifically for those who have the space and the will to receive our battle archery and/or nerf mobile kits. Our website offers additional information on all possible packages and deals, but here is exactly why you should entrust your event to us:
When it comes to combat archery tag, we have held numerous stations outside for all sorts of different events. We have ranged from being a top attraction at the TNT Night Market to being a fan favourite at multiple Frosh Weeks for Universities and Colleges, so you can imagine the scale at which we can function. Therefore, it becomes safe to say that Toronto already knows us as the specialists we are when it comes to battle archery, otherwise referred to as archery dodgeball. We bring along all the protection and equipment needed, as well as bunkers and huge inflatable walls to delimit the perimeter. Our games are tried and true, and our coaches know exactly how to handle all sorts of different groups.
As for Nerf, although it is our newest attraction here at Archers Arena, it is already becoming a major success. Our choice of weaponry along with the very low amount of jams and hiccups we have experienced is a direct result of learning from all the mistakes other branches of nerfing have had at different facilities. We’ve done our homework in order to bring the best out of Nerf at Archers Arena. We are ready to bring you nerfing in our own special way, with high quality weapons such as Rival and N-Strike, for ammo capacity, reload speed, low to no jamming systems, and overall precision. As for game modes? They mostly follow the general Nerf Wars guidelines, but we do add some combat archery tag game modes or twists, simply to make the games that much more interesting. An exciting twist on an already great system.
Lastly, we do offer to bring along our inflatable bubble soccer kit. We let you play with the huge bubbles as you want, or we can set up different games with them; whichever suits your needs best. Bubble soccer is an instant favorite as both a daily activity or something to do during a break from the main events: battle archery or nerf. The option is there for your consideration.
Summer is right around the corner, and everyone is starting to feel the urge to go outside and soak up the sun. Evidently, this will be done when the weather allows for it, just as combat archery tag and Nerf Wars played outside will both become viable options. Mobile archery and Nerf are both becoming very popular, so make sure to book online in advance to guarantee our services, or give us a call at 647-992-7362.
Nerf Wars!
First off, what exactly is a Nerf War? Well, we are talking about a gathering of people that all want to shoot at each other while being able to walk away unscathed by the experience; through Nerfing. Nerf guns are granted to all players, teams are assigned, and then off to war they go; various game modes bring out different strategies and tactics to gain the upper hand. We at Archers Arena are going to use Rival series guns, such as the Artemis and the Nemesis (when it comes out in North America), and will also include in certain game modes with duel-wielding Triad Ex-3 Elite. Last but not least, we also offer the N-Strike Strongarm as an alternative.
As stated in our previous article, Archers Arena is going to introduce Nerf Wars in our facility. The following combines clarification on what exactly Nerf warfare entails, as well as multiple game modes which will be taking place at the Arena. Rules are relatively simple: don’t cheat, don’t be “that guy (or gal)”, and respect other players as well as the equipment. In our aforementioned article are some of the game modes we are already planning on using once we officially start off our Nerf War enterprise. The games we are going to play will mostly follow along the three main categories: Elimination, Attack & Defend, and Objective Rounds.
When we talk about Elimination type games, the objective is rather simple, either be the last man or the last team standing. A commonly used game in this category is referred to as 3-15. There are obviously numerous variations of this game used throughout the world, but they generally base themselves on the principle that you get 3 lives, with 15 seconds before you can respawn, hence 3-15. When you are shot 3 times, you are out of either the game or the round, as it is set up by the host. When you are shot but still have lives left, you must kneel, aim at the sky and slowly count down 15 seconds before shouting “clear” and resuming play.
Next up, Attack & Defend is also quite straight-forward in its name as to its purpose. There is an obvious split between attackers and defenders, although there might be more than one attack team depending on the specific objective of the game and the number of people playing. Generally, groups are split in thirds, with 1/3 defending and 2/3 attacking. There is a goal to be achieved for the attackers within a set time limit, and defenders must “hold down the fort” so to speak, regardless of what the “fort” may be.
Last but not least, Objective Rounds imply that a round will have a specific objective in mind for all teams to accomplish, other than simply eliminating one another. Players typically have unlimited respawn by either counting themselves in or returning to a set spawn point every time. The game ends when a set number of points is hit or all objectives are accomplished.
All in all, Nerf War is going to be a great cardio addition to our health inclined establishment! Wither you come in with the intention to shoot people with bullets or arrows, we will soon be equipped to oblige both. Make sure to look for our announcements not the miss our grand opening of Nerf Wars at Archers Arena!
Play Nerf Wars at Archers Arena!
Since we have perfected the art of combat archery tag, we at Archers Arena have decided to take on a new challenge. Nerf Wars. You heard us right. Sometime in the near future, you will be able to use our facilities to come play games with Nerf guns!
Since we like to guarantee high quality experiences, we have obtained some of the best equipment on the market. We want to insure that the guns won’t jam because of faulty ammunition, while also leveling the playing field so players aren’t at a disadvantage because of the weapon they choose. All of our main guns are going to be Rival series, such as the Artemis for close quarters, and eventually the Nemesis for sniping up in our towers (when it comes out in Canada). In certain game modes, we might either include a Triad EX-3 Elite as a sidearm, or maybe have you play with it as a “Golden Gun” type of weapon. Last but not least, our Strongarm is a mix of both worlds; small, yet packs a punch and has more ammunition than the Elite.
We are coming up with a ton of different and innovative game modes we cannot wait to test out. As mentioned previously, our “Golden Gun” beta involves our little pistol. Every player starts with one bullet, the idea being one shot, one kill, and last man standing wins, in a Golden Eye Nintendo 64 themed game style. With our bigger guns, we are obviously planning some team matches, such as “Medicine Ball”, where there is a healing ball passed around that can be used to heal your teammates, where the goal is to capture the enemy’s ball before they get yours, or even “Team Deathmatch” where you group up into teams of 2-3 people and form temporary alliances with other groups until there’s only one team left standing.
We want to have a balanced session focused on game-play, and create the premium Nerf experience. We went out to other facilities to try it out, and gather the best feedback, with the purpose of combining them into one epic session containing none of the downsides we experienced in our outings. Our dedication to customer satisfaction is just that high. With a group of trigger-friendly enthusiasts like us, it’s bound to be a one of a kind experience filled with different kinds of challenges and fun times. Look for Nerf Wars at Archers Arena soon for a new thrill-inducing experience!