Ace the Archery Game: Advanced Archery Course at Archers Arena
Hey there, Toronto! Are you ready to level up your archery skills? The arena is calling, and it’s time to answer with a bullseye! Archers Arena is proud to introduce our Advanced Archery Course - a comprehensive, 8-week-long journey into the heart of the sport, learn archery in Toronto, perfect for those looking to dive deep and master the craft.
Starting at just $628 per person, this course is designed for those ready to take on a weekly challenge. The cohorts kick off every first week of the month, so no more waiting around, it's time to grab your bow and arrows, and let’s get this party started!
Our Advanced Course is not your regular training session. We’re talking about an immersive, two-month-long experience, guided by a dedicated coach who will be by your side, helping you sharpen your skills and reach your archery potential. Now, are you ready to make a commitment?
Whether you're an energetic kid (8-12yo) keen on having an exciting after-school activity at 4:30 pm (complete with snack and juice box), or a teen or adult ready to tackle challenges at 5:45 pm, we have you covered. Remember, it’s about showing up the same day, same time, every week, and ready to hit the mark.
Now, if you're thinking, "What's in it for me?" Well, how about a New Arena Bow, Safety Arrow, and Arm Guard? That’s right, all yours to take home, on top of the 8 power-packed lessons!
Get ready for your weekly deep dive into the art of archery, guided by our dedicated, experienced coaches. They're not just experts – they're enthusiasts, eager to see you hone your skills from zero to hero. They’ll be there, each week, to tweak your technique, amplify your aim, and ensure you’re getting the most from each session. So gear up, it's time to learn from the pros.
And we have the reviews to prove it 😎
So, what are you going to learn, you ask? Buckle up because it’s quite a journey:
Lesson 1: Refresher Course - Dust off the cobwebs and get comfortable with your bow.
Lesson 2: Intro to Field Tips - Adjust to new lighter arrows, focusing on safety and form.
Lesson 3: Increasing the Distance - Take a step back, quite literally, and work on those long-range shots.
Lesson 4: Target Switching - Test your versatility with different targets and angles.
Lesson 5: Speed Shooting - Fasten your seat belts, it's time for quick decision-making in target selection.
Lesson 6: Shooting Styles - Play around with alternative styles of shooting, because why not?
Lesson 7: Competition Day - Put all those lessons to the test in a friendly competition with your fellow archers.
Lesson 8: Graduation Day - Recap all you’ve learned and celebrate your journey from novice to advanced archer!
So, what are you waiting for, Toronto? This is your call to arms. It’s time to take your archery game to the next level at Archers Arena. Remember, it’s not just about hitting the target, it’s about the journey of the arrow!
Have some questions for us? Shoot us an email at info@archersarena.com or give us a call at 647)-992-7362. For more info, check out our website https://archersarena.com
Unleash Your Inner Archer: Archery Training at its Best at Archers Arena, Toronto
Hey Toronto, are you ready to master the art of the bow? Here at Archers Arena, we're transforming rookies into archery aces with our hands-on, fully immersive archery lessons! So buckle up, aim straight, and let's dive right into the action!
We've got two kick-ass archery training packages that are just waiting for you to try out. So, let's break them down for you, shall we?
This one's for all you newbie archers out there. For just $66.38 per person, we offer you an hour of jam-packed, high-energy training that includes everything you need to get started. And we do mean everything - equipment, instructor, the works. Here's the rundown:
60 minutes of comprehensive training and practice at our top-tier shooting range with an expert instructor
Fire off 150-200 arrows within the hour, really get that feel for the bow.
Master the art of Barebow Instinctive Archery, and become one with your bow
Choose from different poundage bows available - nothing going over 45lbs bow poundage
Get your adrenaline pumping with some Speed Shooting
Play our highly entertaining Digital Target Games - and trust us, you'll want to play again.
2. Metal Tip (Dual) Archery Training:
Think you're ready to step it up a notch? Let's kick it into high gear with our 1.5-hour Metal Tip (Dual) Archery Training! For $137.17 per person, we'll take you through the archery adventure of a lifetime. Here's what you'll get:
1st half: Foam-Tipped Arrows
45 minutes of in-depth training and practice at the shooting range with an expert instructor
Release 150-200 Arrows in the first half
Perfect your Barebow Instinctive Archery skills
2nd half: Metal-Tip Arrows
Experiment with different poundage bows available
Challenge yourself with Recurve bows ranging from 15 lbs to 32 lbs
Enjoy our super fun target archery games involving balloons and target sheets - it's time to let loose!
And for those of you archers who are thirsty for more, we've got an 8 week-long Metal-Tipped Advanced Course or you can book an Open-Range session without an instructor to practice on your own. Practice makes perfect, and we're giving you the perfect space to keep those skills sharp. We got everything you need to hone your archery skills!
So, what are you waiting for, Toronto? The arrows are ready, the range is set, and we're waiting for you. Come unleash your inner archer at Archers Arena. It's time to hit the bullseye!
Have some questions for us? Shoot us an email at info@archersarena.com or give us a call at (647)-992-7362. For more info, check out our website https://archersarena.com
Tournament Results!
March 26th saw another combat archery tag tournament being held at Archers Arena, and once again, it proved to be a success. Our pool of competitive battle archery players keeps growing and the results of this tournament were extremely close. Our plan of splitting up old, dominating archery dodgeball teams (Blood Bath and Beyond, and Wetshots) ended up being an interesting factor for every team, but especially for the players that were always used to playing together. Facing their old teammates was “really cool and fascinating” as one of them later mentioned to me.
What was fascinating in my eyes was how differently they ended up playing among new players. Not only did they have to gage their new teams’ strengths and weaknesses, they also had to remember those of their buddies so they could exploit what information they had on them. It was a beautiful coming together of old and new discussing strategy and forging plays in order to win a match.
Furthermore, this time around we limited our archery dodgeball tournament to 6 teams, allowing rematches to better gage not only endurance, but how well players and teams evolve together. This new system was definitely a favourite for many players, along with a new twist changing team count from 6 to 5, creating a whole new level of intensity in gameplay. Each arrow fired had to count, and strategies were evolving with every round.
Some other highlights include:
- Shooting arrows at our brand new red ducks for target practice in our range to keep both mind and body warm and ready to go in between matches;
- each team had one coach to play with them, allowing balance to be had in this combat archery tag tournament while making it more interesting for every team coming in;
- retired coaches and members showed up for the tournament, and they had to acknowledge they were now out of practice and on a lower skill level than the new generation;
- an array of creative team names were had: The Lords of the Strings, Power Rangers, XxX, Shake’N’Bake, Strap-Ons, and Bowthoven’s 5th Stringphany;
- new players ended up doing great plays, wonderful headshots and fantastic catches;
- our archery-loving community keeps growing and expanding and that is awesome.
The victors were the cleverly named The Lords of the Strings (personal favourite pun), which was composed of 4 higher level players instead of the regulated 5, winning by only 1 point at 19. Second place was the less-cleverly named Strap-Ons with 18 points, a team that has been building itself from the ground up at Archers Arena with constant practice and coming out on Coach nights (every Tuesday). Goes to show that dedication really pays off. Third place ended up being a tie between XxX, and Power Rangers at 17 points.
Here’s to a next tournament just as successful! Keep a look out for it in upcoming blogs or through our Archers Arena facebook page.
Archery Lessons at Archers Arena!
Wither you’re already an active combat archery tag (sometimes referred to as archery dodgeball) player, or you are still completely new to the whole archery thing, taking lessons is always an excellent way to get better faster. Our lessons are given by coaches that are both skilled and knowledgeable, so we do have a guarantee that we know what we’re talking about, simply because we use those techniques all the time when we play. Here are a few of the reasons why you should come to us to learn, either as a beginner, or as a fellow player.
Our Facility
Our facility is spacious and composed of two very separate archery parts. First off, we have our actual training range where there are various different targets placed around that offer different challenges. We also have the actual full-sized arena that can be used for further lessons depending on availability. Both courts offer their own share of varied challenges that will help better a player.
Our Coaches
As mentioned earlier, our archery coaches are professionals that actually know what they are talking about. This comes not only from being trained properly for coaching, but mostly because we play all the time, and therefore we ourselves learn and grow all the time. When you get to apply the principles you are teaching, that is when you get to understand them in a better, fuller way; and it inherently makes you better at your craft.
Personalized Training
Obviously every coach is at a different level, and some are better teachers than others, so we always make sure that clients coming in for lessons get the best possible coach for them, which will vary depending on the needs. We always assess our students’ strengths and weaknesses individually, then have them work on different things to assure constant improvement. You will always leave a session being better than you were walking in.
Consistency is Key
If you really want to get good, then the saying “practice makes perfect” definitely applies for archery. It is a very technical ability, and only through repetition will you really catch the flow of how it should go. If you start out at Archers Arena where we teach you the proper forms, stances, and techniques, then you can rest assured that your basis is going to be strong, and from there, you can choose to keep coming in for improvement, or you can keep improving on your own. As long as you keep practicing, then you won’t lose your touch. Alternatively, if you do need a refresher, we will still be here to gladly accommodate.
Unlike other facilities, all of our staff are avid players and love the game of combat archery tag for all the different challenges that it brings, but in the end, you always have to go back to basics (standard archery) to improve and evolve. There are always new ways to shoot that are brought into light, and it’s always fun to explore those different options with a teacher that can, and will, help better yourself. For a unique, personalized lesson in archery, Archers Arena is the place for you.