Archers Arena Archers Arena

It's all fun and games until someone gets competitive...

Every Tuesday and Friday night starting at 8pm, Archers Arena hosts a “community night” where those who want to become effective combat archers can learn the skills!

Archers Arena is home to Archery tag and Nerf Wars and while both are incredibly fun and rewarding, it also happens to be particularly challenging when looking to compete within the sport.  Yes, you can compete in the sport and that’s what todays blog is about. COMPETITION!!

Now for today’s topic, I’m going to be talking primarily about Archery tag over Nerf Wars because as fun as Nerf Wars is, it’s incredibly difficult to monitor and ref a competitive game of nerf wars vs archery tag, also, archery tag has a very high skill curve (and a very rewarding one as well) that develops quickly when playing and has apparently no end. 

The art of archery has been around since seemingly the dawn of time where mankind learned the pointy end of the stick hurts, bows and arrows were made shortly thereafter.  The concept of the bow and arrows is simple, the limbs of the bow create tension on a string that is used to launch a pointy stick at your enemy so with such a simple concept, how difficult can the sport be? Well since I’ve worked for archers arena, the answer is staggering. The difference between a pro archer and an amateur is just as big a gap as a pro and amateur boxer or swimmer. 

The first layer to the competitive nature of archery is speed (that’s right, not accuracy but speed).  I’ve been a boxer for most of my youth and I’ve learned that in ALL my combat sports experience, speed kills and archery tag is no exception.  The ability to move nimbly and dodge incoming arrows all while launching a volley of arrows strikes yourself has proven time and time to trump slower players.  Accuracy IS king in the sense of “what’s the point of speed if you can’t hit your target?” but the truth is, I’ll take a slightly faster player over a slightly more accurate player any day.

Catching. Yes you can catch arrows in archery tag and we have some players that are crazy good at it. Catching an arrows not only negates the damage of an arrow AND depletes the enemy of their arrow resources but it also has some BIG added effect in all games that we play (even the highest level competitive games).  I’ve seen the classic 1 vs. many scenario so many times won by the underdog player because of a well anticipated catch. Catching > dodging. Always.

There is a plethora of skills to learn to be an effective combat archer like a fast quick draw (picking up an arrow and firing it as fast as possible), holding multiple arrows, team strategy and synchronization and resource (arrow) acquisition but these are skills ill touch up on another day.

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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Renovations to serve you better

Summer is soon upon us! That means it’s time to bust out your sunglasses, Nerf Balls, your favourite speedo and your bows and arrows!

To add to the excitement to summers much anticipated arrival, there are BIG new changes happening at Archers Arena! All these changes are in the spirit of serving you better and making your trip to Archers Arena even more unforgettable so without further ado, allow me to reveal these amazing changes to you in this week’s blog post!


The Upper Deck – Perhaps the biggest change is the second floor that we recently had constructed!  This second floor has been installed to give spectators a bird’s eye view of all the action happening in both courts.  This is undoubtedly the best place to be in to see the fight without actually being in it.

Upgraded Sniper towers – Our sniper towers have now doubled in size! We can get many snipers comfortably into a tower at once that can maneuver swiftly around each other. Furthermore, the lining of the tower has been padded with soft rubber to ensure sniper comfortability while leaning over to make difficult, angled shots. Holes have been drilled out of the side of the towers so ammunition can be delivered to snipers with ease and without the sniper having to divide his or her attention between ammo gathering and sharpshooting. Special bows have been installed in both towers on a rack that are more suitable for sniping gameplay. Lastly the ladder has been replaced with a staircase to ensure players can get up and down quickly and more importantly, safely. Life’s good as a sniper!

Air Conditioning Unit – its summer but this thing can (but won’t) make it feel like winter! A common request during summertime is to play in air-conditioned courts and it has been granted. No sweating just looking at a bow and arrow!

Extended party room – Our current party room is being extended 2x its size! If you want a private or personal party with your huge group of friends, no problem! A sectional is going to be added between the two rooms as well to host multiple groups.

New Turf Court – We mowed the lawn and got rid of our grass court and replaced it with a new rubber court to make things clean and pristine

Archers Arena is always under development to make your experience better but we’ve never had such dramatic changes like this! I’ll see you in the sniper tower

Mr. Aimazing (Kyle)

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Archers Arena Archers Arena

To be the coach

Alright my friends! Today you get the inside scoop. A few questions I get asked quite frequently by people is “what’s it like being a coach at Archers Arena?” “Could you compete with Katniss Everdeen or Legolas Greenleaf?” and the famous “does it hurt?” Well I get to dig into these questions and more with you in today’s blog!

No, it doesn’t hurt. Especially not the Nerf Wars

I could possibly compete with Katniss but am almost certain I would have a losing win/loss ratio and I couldn’t possibly compete with that majestic elf Legolas.

Well I guess that just leaves “what’s it like being a coach?” and thankfully there’s layers to this question or else this week’s blog would be exceptionally short!

The short answer to that question is, it’s amazing but saying its amazing is too vague so allow me to elaborate.  First off, I believe we’re all children at heart at it feels fantastic to play games over and over as a means to make a living!  In a society crippled by work that causes anxiety and nervous breakdowns, it feels great to take a page out of the Jokers book and say “why so serious?” secondly, energy is everything, so in a business that’s only purpose is to bring guests in and make them have a great time, it’s pretty hard not to be swept away by the positivity that emits from people. 


They say “it’s all about the people you work with” and let me tell you, that’s the truth.  The employees at Archers Arena are like no other team I’ve experienced.  Handshakes, hugs, and laughs are only the beginning of what makes this group of archers not only a working team, but a family (cheesy I know but bare with me).  To work at Archers Arena is to be invited into a family, to be trusted and to be encouraged to grow and pursue whatever in life you want to chase and this is demonstrated through frequent chats and one-on-one sit down talks.  These people care, and that’s hard to find.


And lastly, competition.  As a coach, you’re encouraged to practice your archery (obviously) and to participate in community nights where we get some regulars in to play the game we love.  In my humble opinion, the strongest friendships are forged through competition and that’s exactly what we do. Not only do we encourage you to grow as a person, but also in sport. 

“Hitting the target isn’t the hard part.  It’s finding a target worth hitting”

Mr. Aimazing (Kyle)   

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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Summer Festivities!

Summer is finally upon us in Toronto so you know what that means! Beer. BBQ beers, patio beers, backyard beers, and beer beers.  Let’s face it, there’s never not a good time to crack open a cold one with the boys (or girls!) during summer!

To turbo-charge the love for our delicious hoppy nectar, Toronto has their annual BEERFEST happening July 26th-29th. People from all over Canada get together to celebrate their favorite frothy drink and rejoice over it with friends and food.  Now here’s a riddle. Q - What’s more fun after pounding back a few wobbly pops under the sun? A – Everything and archery tag is no exception, in fact, humans have been warring with bows and arrows and celebrating their victories (or trying to forget their loses) since the delicious dizzy juice has been discovered. Archers Arena will be special guests attending this frothy foam party so if you’ve never tried nerf wars or archery tag before, No problem, ask your closest mate to “hold my beer” and learn the ferocious art form.  Just make sure you have a couple brewskies before playing so you’re seeing double because double the targets means it’s harder to miss. Bro-science   


Archers Arena invades Anime North!

Hey there Ashitaka (princess mononoke) pretty nice costume you got there, are your archery skills as sharp as your costume? Anime North is closing in on us fast on May 25th -27th and that means the cosplayers are coming out to play! Time to dress up as your favorite anime character for this massive meet-and-greet with your favorite anime artists. Woah there Pokkle, (Hunter X Hunter) you’ll have to leave your cosplay bow at the door, only the Archers Arena bows can be used in combat.  Archers Arena is also going to be bringing their nerf guns as well so all the Major Motoko Kusanagis (ghost in the shell) can rejoice!


Whether you’re into beers or anime, (or both) Toronto has exciting upcoming events for you worth being excited over.  Archers Arena is going to be at both events sampling their archery and nerf so if you’ve never experience it before, than this is the perfect opportunity.  Throw on your favorite anime character costume, grab a beer and let the nerf balls and arrows fly.


Mr. Aimazing (Kyle)

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Archers Arena Archers Arena

The place to bring your date.

Date night!  That was my reason for going to Archers Arena for the very first time because why not? i’m a big nerd myself and never tried combat archery so lets see how my date deals with that, plus, who wouldn’t like shooting your date with arrows?

We went in on a Friday and couldn’t believe how busy it was.  The lobby was filled with chatter, laughter and people gazing at the game modes decorated over the walls.  After my date nervously signed her waiver (fearful the arrows hurt which surprisingly didn’t at all) and coach Moe introduced himself to the 15+ wannabe battle archers in the lobby who he had their attention firmly grasped. I was impressed to say the least. Calm and personable, Moe was a natural leader who led us into the next room which was the practice range. Bows neatly lay on the racks with buckets of arrows close by had this date night getting very cool, very fast.

After a more in depth introduction, Moe gave us our safety equipment and had us pledge (literally) that we would not “dry fire” his bows which stirred up some laughter in the crowd.  We were taught the anatomy of the bow and arrow as well in the compressed, crash course archery lesson which helped a lot seeing as how my date had never done archery before.  After basic archery tag technique, Moe started teaches us the real meat & potatoes of combat archery which included the “quick draw”, holding multiple arrows and power-shots.  I’m pretty sure it was at this time that Moe had more attention than my date. I was hooked!

It was time. Moe started fitting everyone with their helmets to enter the arena. My date was nervous about getting shot but she was approached by a coach and was gently reminded that kids of all ages play this and that she would be fine with their 22lb bows. We entered the Arena having a bunch of pictures taken to commemorate the occasion and told they are completely free of charge which was amazing. We were then divided into two teams and taught the court rules quick with integrated jokes that always had some of the group laughing after which, we were asked to go to the back walls to start the game.  The coach counted us down and BOOM! The game started!

After a hail of arrows were launched, we were quick to learn that archery tag didn’t hurt at all! With my new found archery skills taught by Moe and these fluffy Q-tiped arrows, I stormed to the front lines to give the opposing team a piece of my mind.  After an hours worth of non-stop games, Moe let us know about “community night” that happens every Tuesday and Friday and invited us to come by to experience a more competitive type of play.

What an amazing amazing time!  I went back for community night, again and again.

-          Mr. Aimazing (Kyle)


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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Resolutions and resolutioners

New Year new you,….right? At least that’s the theory. January 1 seems to be that magical reset button day. The day you promise yourself you will stop or start something to make your quality of life better. There’s always the lose weight promise, or swearing that’s the last cigarette. Some folks opt to keep promises simple like pledging they will always hang up their clothes on laundry day.

Or maybe….just maybe…. You’ve decided to try a new sport. Just gunna throw this out there but why not try some archery dodgeball? Or Nerf Wars even?

READ MORE: 18 Benefits to Playing Archery Dodgeball

Why not right? If you want to be a successful “resolutioner”, you gotta make SMART goals. Lemme break it down:

Specific: Goals are more obtainable when we focus on the scope of the benefits we want. So instead of saying “I’m going to get more exercise”, you could say “I’m gunna try a new sport to get more exercise”.

Measurable: Measure the benefits of the sport to what your goal is or how it parallels your lifestyle.

Attainable: This is pretty easy….get in touch with Archers Arena to book your archery dodgeball, archery lesson or nerf wars party.

Relevant: I’m assuming if you’re reading this you’ve got at least a slight interest in archery dodgeball or nerf wars. That’s a start! Dive into those curiosities! If a friendly, competitive and fun atmosphere sounds good to you….its because it is.

Time-bound: Set aside time to dedicate to your new sport (c’mon we both know its gunna be archery). It takes some discipline and getting used to but find a way to fit it into your schedule on a regular basis.

READ MORE – NERF WARS: The Backyard Games Have Changed

So here we are, well into February….and I need to take my own advice. I made a goal to be more organized and that has crumbled into a million pieces. I think that we don’t have to wait for January 1st to make a change in our lives. It takes practice and habit to reach our goals. So go ahead, pick a day….any day and  let that be the day you do something for you. And should Archers Arena be part of that, you’ve come to the right place.  Our coaches are here to help and the equipment is ready to go, you just gotta make the call. 

Your fellow archer,



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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Happy Holidays!

Holidays!! Wow that came up quick didn’t it? Hope you’re ready! We are getting ready too and Archers Arena will be closed December 25th and 26th and then again on December 29th until January 2nd. We will be open in the new year on January 3rd.

In the meantime, there are many cool ways to incorporate archery into the holiday season. Maybe rock this archery themed Christmas sweater? How about these holiday themed targets?

Did you come to Archers Arena for the first time this year and discover a new love for archery dodgeball? Consider joining our new league starting in January! (Click here to read more details on the new archery dodgeball league starting in the new year) Great way to join a new sport, meet new people and tackle that new years resolution of getting more exercise 😉.

Here we are on the day  of Christmas Eve surrounded by bows, berries, lights and ornaments. Family bustling about cooking, last minute shopping and wrapping. Or maybe you’re sitting front of the TV taking in the holiday movies or singing along to the carols being played on the radio. However you spend your Christmas, the entire team from Archers Arena wishes our archers community a merry Christmas!

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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Hey, you guys! New NERF gun is here!

When Archers Arena says they keep up with the best equipment, they really mean it! Archers Arena is excited to share a new NERF gun that is being added to the NERF gun line up. Ladies n gents, boys n girls, help us welcome the new and freakin awesome NERF gun called Hera from the Rival line! We chose the Rival line as our top selection as they hardly ever jam. Check it out here for a full unboxing and review. This 12 shot blaster has a streamlined magazine reloading feature with the quick thumb tab and is more lightweight from the change to a smaller battery size. We’re so excited to be adding this to our NERF gun selection, check out this blog for more on the NERF guns used at Archers Arena.

Ever notice when some businesses say that they provide the best equipment out there? Then you get there and the equipment is over used, falling apart and has funky smell that makes your stomach turn. So disappointing right? We take care of our equipment at Archers Arena. Check out this video of Coach Christine doing a regular cleaning of the archery dodgeball equipment. As she mentions in the video, lots of people come through the arena and we want to ensure that our customers are using clean and safe equipment for their next archery dodgeball or NERF war games. Nobody wants to put on a mask where you can tell someone just wore it (ew!) and nobody wants to get their equipment only to discover that the trigger doesn’t work or a strap is too loose. If we do ever come across a NERF gun that has some issues, we have a technician that comes on site to help fix those quirks. In fact, if you own a NERF gun that needs tweaking, bring your NERF gun to Archers Arena and we can help you get your rifle back into tip top shape! And if you really enjoy NERF guns and NERF wars, Archers Arena is hiring new NERF wars coaches. Click here to find out more information and how you can apply.

Its all in the little things that make the biggest impact and we pay attention to those details. Why? We just want you to have fun without the worry. Leave the worry at the door and let us take it from there. Pick up that bow or NERF gun and fire away those stressors!

Your fellow archer,

Erin S. 

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How to not feel so much of the post archery dodgeball burn

The Archers Arena community knows the ache very well after a solid session of archery dodgeball, so we wanted to share a few suggestions to help ease those aches. Anyone who has ever played archery dodgeball knows all the running, dodging, dive, squats, lunges and pulling that goes into a game. Its usually around 12-48 hours later that all of those activities can catch up to you. This is referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness and its quite common to experience soreness or stiffness after enduring exercise or movements you don’t usually do. Here’s a few tidbits to help ease the burn:

Light post-archery dodgeball stretching

After your dodgeball archery games, do around 10 minutes of light stretching focusing on trapezius, hamstring, hips and anywhere else that may feel tight.  

Ice, Ice, Baby!

You know that bag of frozen vegetables in the back of your freezer? That bag you swear you’ll use up but never do? Time to put it into use and apply it to the sore area intermittently. Don’t over do it though,, only apply for a maximum of 15 min. This can also be applied to bruises


As soon as you’re done your archery dodgeball session, replenishing your body is a good move. When you exercise, your body is using up crazy energy and the stored glucose in your muscles need to be replenished. By consuming protein in the first 30 minutes post exercise assists in rebuilding the stored glucose. Why is restoring important? It helps decrease the chances of muscle soreness. Here’s a few things you can eat post dodgeball archery.

Say “No” to Bed Rest

Keep moving and don’t let those muscles rest for too long. Its important to keep the blood flow going to all areas to prevent muscles from getting too stiff and uncomfortable. The oxygen in our blood helps repair the muscles that got a work out.

Lingering Pain

If you feel that its been a day or two longer than usual for your body to recuperate, never ignore lingering pain as it may be an indicator that you may have done some damage. If you suspect somethings not right, please contact your health care provider.

Going forward, its best to be prepared before any archery dodgeball game. Stay hydrated, stretch and wear appropriate athletic wear and foot ware. It truly makes all the difference in ensuring you have the best experience at Archers Arena!

Your fellow archer,

Erin S.


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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Let the kids pew pew!

The other day we went into Archers Arena for a little dodgeball archery session and we got there a little early. I didn’t mind waiting around because we got the opportunity to watch a BIG group of kids playing nerf wars. Dozens of kids running around laughing, shouting and the odd “YEAH!” rang throughout the arena.

It really is incredible to step back and see all the things that a child can learn by participating in group sports like NERF wars or dodgeball archery.

Socializing: NERF war and dodgeball archery games at Archers Arena are structured so that it encourages players to connect with their teams to strategize. This means it gives children the opportunity to learn how to socialize with their friends and the new people that they get to meet!

Hand Eye Motor Skills: Even though video games are good for this kind of coordination, it doesn’t beat getting your kids away from the console and engage in some real time action. Actually using a NERF gun or bow, reloading and lining up shots is a great way to further enhance hand eye motor skills.

Leadership: NERF wars and dodgeball archery really does tap into what kind of leadership skills you have. It gives kids the opportunity to discover their leadership qualities through strategizing and observing team players skill sets.

Exercise!: Again, get the kids away from the game consoles! Kids need at least 60 minutes of physical activity per DAY. By booking a NERF wars or dodgeball archery session at Archers Arena, let the kids run and have a great time with our coaches in a safe and friendly environment.

Archers Arena is able to host children as young as 5 years old (and oh my gosh those lil assassins are just adorable!). Bring the family and friends! Parents can also play with the kids and what a great way to be able to get some quality family time into our busy schedules.

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Planning a birthday party? Let us help!

The birthday party game certainly has stepped up hasn't it? So much that if I could do a re-do on my 7th birthday party....I'd do it. Luckily we have access to sites that inspire us to make these occasions incredibly special ( much thanks!). We also have Archers Arena and their birthday party packages for combat archery AND NERF Wars! What a great time to be parenting in! So here are a few links to some really fun DIY projects to add that special magic to your son or daughters birthday we hope you enjoy. 

Combat Archery Party

Cakes n Treats

Target with Bow n Arrow Cake

Target Cake of Candies

Target Cookies

Fruit Skewer Arrows

Invites n Decorations

Shoot Straight Invite  

Arrowhead Straw Toppers

Place Settings

Archery Colours – banners, streams and signs

Party Favors

Thanks for Coming! Arrow and pencil note of thanks

This fun archery themed goody bag  


NERF Wars Party

Cakes n Treats

These fun NERF themed snacks

NERF Wars Cake

Invites n Decorations

NERF Ammo Toppers

NERF Ammo Invite Tubes

Team Nametags

Party Favors

These fun grab bags!

9 NERF themed grab bags


These lil projects do take some time, but that's OK! Years down the road seeing old videos and pictures of the party at Archers Arena will always bring back fun memories and appreciation for all the work you did to make sure they had an amazing day. Let us help you make it happen and contact Archers Arena for any questions or more information. 

Your fellow archer,

Erin S.

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How to Optimize Your Archers Arena Experience

Whether its your first time or you’ve lost track on how many times you’ve played combat archery at Archers Arena, there are always helpful hints and skills we can learn to enhance your experience. 

Clothing: You’re in for a workout so be sure to bring something comfortable. Like you could wear jeans..but yeah don’t. Totally wore jeans my first time and that wasn’t fun to run around in. Oh! And of course your running shoes! Archers Arena also has lockers available if you need to change.

Booking and Checking In: We really encourage everyone to connect with Archers Arena to book their combat archery (or even Nerf Wars?!) session as drop in times can get limited. Once you get in just be sure to check in at the front desk and hang out in our comfy lobby till your orientation starts. Chill out on the couch, play a game of pool and sit upon the throne of arrows and snag a selfie with friends. 

Our team of coaches have streamlined the orientation process to ensure everyone can enter the arena feeling totally confident. In the meantime, here are a few links to tips and tricks for your next combat archery session from our Archers Arena coaches and community:

Top 3 tips for Beginners as shared by members of the Archers Arena community

Coach Mike shares how to do an even faster quick draw and the secret to making sure everyone has a great time

Post-Combat: Hydrate! Stretch! Protein!....and possibly some A535 (ok maybe not that far for most…but still). With all of the sprints, pivots, lunges, squats and reaching, you’re gunna want to take care of yourself. By doing some stretching and keeping hydrated, it’ll help dull any muscle aches the next day. 

Interested in more? Consider joining the Archers Arena combat archery league that starts in January. Better yet,  come out on coaches night for some next level competition. These two opportunities will help you grow in your combat archery skills and it’s a great way to get your exercise time in.

So now you’ve got some great hints and even a few tricks, come by Archers Arena and try 'em out for yourself!

Your fellow archer,

Erin S.

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It's here! A league is happening!

Yeah man, you read that right. Our fearless leader dropped some pretty sweet news the other day and its truly a sign of the growing community at Archers Arena. (Check out the video blog here from Sam) After sharing the combat archery sport with so many, there's always bound to be a few of us that want more. Well my fellow archers, we wanted more and Archers Arena is delivering more!.

Now, this calls for an appropriate time to start a group chat because you and your buddies are gunna want in on this. Here’s the details for that group chat you’re gunna start soon (copy, paste and share. I insist!):

What: Combat Archery League at Archers Arena

Who: Everyone! 12 teams with 3 players each

How much: $150 per person ($450/team)  for a chance at the prize pool. $75 if you don’t wanna win any money

When: Starts January 10, 2018. League will run for a total of 12 weeks. Two of those weeks will be dedicated for playoffs. Combat archery league nights will be on Wednesday nights starting at 7:30PM. 

Why: Why not? Great activity for you and your friends and an opportunity to meet fellow archers from the Archers Arena community. And….well…you could win some money! All just playing some combat archery once a week.

So, assuming that everyone wants in on a chance to win a piece of the prize pool, here’s what’s up for grabs:

$2,700 Prize Pool!

1st Place: $1,350

2nd place: $810

3rd place: $540

Not bad eh? Oh! Let your buddies know as well that there will be a new game mode every other week to look forward to as well. Signing up for a combat archery league with your friends is such a great opportunity! Especially with the winter months coming up, its such a great way to keep in touch, get some exercise, keep warm and have some fun.

Go ahead, copy and paste that info and hit send. As always, the folks at Archers Arena are always happy to hear from you if you’ve got any questions. They can be reached at (647) 992-7362 and you check out their facebook page for updates and video blogs.

Your fellow archer,

Erin S.

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Welcome back SPARK!

Archers Arena will be once again hosting a component for Spark Show Production′s Little Prince and Princess 2017 pageant.

On Sunday November 19th, 20 kids with their folks will be coming to Archers Arena to show case their skills. With the support from their parents and Archers Arena Coaches, these lil prince and princesses must make a short video demonstrating their leadership and teamwork. This video will be used as a part of their judged components. So it totally makes sense that they demonstrate those skills by playing both combat archery AND Nerf wars at Archers Arena!

There are so many benefits the contestants and their parents will get to experience by participating in playing some combat archery tag and Nerf wars.

Great exercise! - Sprinting, ducking, reaching, bending and lunges always makes for a great workout.

Developmental growth – Hand eye coordination level 100 after a solid combat archery match or strategic Nerf war game. Same with focus, serious XP gain after concentrating on your target while maintaining awareness of your surroundings.

Communication – Strategizing with your team mates encourages you to be clear and concise in how to develop the perfect plan to defeat opponents.

Under Pressure – Believe it or not there are good kinds of stress. Indulge me a moment. You’re playing combat archery and the game mode is elimination. You see your team dwindling and the other team is growing and the next thing you know it dawns on you, you’re the last one standing (Archers Arena know what I’m talking about). Coping with stress in small amounts in a gaming environment helps when dealing with stress at higher levels.

Getting in tune – Combat archery is best played with patience and a clear mind to allow instinctiveness and the awesome to flow. Confidence helps set a clear and determined mind!

Comradery – Combat archery and Nerf wars is a great opportunity to learn to maintain friendship, respect and loyalty! Even though the contestants are competing against each other, they must find ways to work together as a team and establish those loyalties.

The princes and princesses will have so many opportunities to showcase their individual skill sets as Combat Archery and Nerf wars showcase focus, dexterity, strategy and fair competitiveness. Not only do they get the chance to shine, they’ll have a great time meeting new people, making new friends and creating so many wonderful memories with their parents. Good luck to all of the princes and princesses! We hope you have an amazing time!

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Let's take a stroll down artillery lane, shall we?

Artillery Lane --> This Way

Clearly, Archers Arena isn’t messing around when it comes to Nerf Guns. Our goal: making sure you have a great time. How do we make that happen? Making sure you are equipped with the best Nerf Guns possible for your Nerf War. Our criteria? Nerf guns must be accurate, have power, be reliable and have streamlined reloading. Why? When your immersed in a competitive Nerf War, the last thing you wanna worry about a timely reload when your team is on the edge of GLORY.

Like any great warrior, one must know their weaponry…and well.

Primary Line: Rival

Archers Arena is equipped with two lines of Nerf War weapons. First line (and most bad-ass) of weapons is the Rival line. Solid accuracy and power!


The high-capacity ARTEMIS XVII-3000 blaster holds 30 high-impact rounds and fires them at a velocity of 100F/S (30M/S). Get ready for battle quickly with the easy-load, integrated magazine. Launch each round individually for calculated targeting, or inundate your opponents by unleashing all 30 rounds rapidly with slam-fire action. The ARTEMIS XVII-3000 blaster has a rotating barrel, trigger lock, and tactical rail. Experience the intensity of the Nerf Rival ARTEMIS XVII-3000 blaster!


Automatic Heaven The KHAOS MXVI-4000  blaster holds 40 high-impact rounds and fires them at a velocity of 100F/S (30M/S) at full automatic, with quick ammo magazines you can lay suppressive fire as your allies move up and flank your enemy.


In our sniper towers, you get outfitted with the NEMESIS MXVII-10K. The weapon is named after Nemesis, a goddess is Greek mythology who exacts vengeance upon those who succumb to hubris. That vengeful power now rests between your hands, to annihilate the hordes of enemies with its 100 high-impact rounds hopper. Additionally, the NEMESIS MXVII-10K has the higher ammo capacity of any Nerf blaster in history.

Secondary Line: N-Strike

Not to be outdone by the Rival line, N-Strike is ready for a quick draw.

STRONG ARM - Rapid Fire Pistol

Speed and mobility are yours with the quick-draw and rapid fire of the STRONG ARM blaster! With the same long-range accuracy and power as other N-Strike Elite blasters, it rapid fires 6 darts when you pump the slam-fire repeatedly while holding the trigger. Loading is fun and speedy with the flip open rotating barrel.


TRIAD - Duel hand Pistols

Put some serious blasting power in your pocket with the TRIAD EX-3 BLASTER! Don't let this 3-dart blaster's micro size fool you - it's small, but mighty, possessing the same long-range power as other N-Strike Elite blasters. Quick to reload so you can get back in the game just as quick.

Well that concludes our stroll for now. In the meantime, Archers Arena is fully stocked and loaded with the best Nerf has to offer to make sure either your family outing, get together with friends or team building with colleagues adventure is 100% awesome.



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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Season 12 Combat Archery Tournament.....Results are in!

Just sitting in the orientation space watching the teams warm up as they prepare for the ultimate combat archery tournament at Archers Arena here in Toronto. The air is friendly with familiar faces from the Archers Arena community but with there was an edge of competitiveness…..its pretty awesome to see. Coach Jones gathers the archery teams and announces the game and arena rules for the tournament. Since the combat archery teams are playing for the chance to play against combat d’archers in Montreal, so tonight, we’re playing by Montreal rules. The game mode tonight: elimination with a few Montreal rule tweaks.

The teams tonight who are battling for the ultimate prize of bragging rights:

Bows Before Hoes

Blood Bath and Beyond

Coon and Friends


Powerpuff Girls

No bad mouthing your opponents, we’re all friends here” – Jones explaining tournament rules

From the sidelines you can hear team mates encouraging each other and chatting about how they prepped for the tournament. “I was nervous at my first combat archery tournament but then I started coming out to Coaches Night on Tuesdays and Fridays. I learned so much and my agility is like at an all time high right now. Plus, I got way better at loading my bow quicker, so I can kick some serious butt now.”

I got to observe from the sniper tower and the competition was fierce and unforgiving. The team dynamics varied and they were all on the tips of their toes. Quick, strategic and competitive, the combat archery teams worked hard for their wins. It was so fun just seeing the fist pumps in celebration of getting a shot on their opponent!

After several rounds of combat archery and with exhausted archers, the winner of the tournament was finally announced…….. congrats Strapcicles for winning Season 12 of Archers Arena Combat Archery Tournament!! (woohoo!!)

Everyone gathered for photos and were all chirping at each other “I got gunned down right away!”, “We targeted for you!” and “You have a powerful shot!” echoed with the laughter.  Such a great energy that filled the room!

More details to come about who will be heading to Montreal but the Archers Arena team is up for the challenge. No worries, we’ll keep you in the loop on the what’s what.

In the meantime, got some pretty cool news to share. Archers Arena is starting a combat archery league! (yes!yes!yes!) Look forward to the next blog for more details but here’s what you need to know now: teams of 3, league starts in January and registration is on now! Contact Archers Arena at 647-992-7362 to register your team.

Your fellow archer,

Erin S.

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Archers Arena Archers Arena

First Time Experience With Combat Archery? Welcome to a New Community

Archers Arena is privileged to share the sport of dodgeball/combat archery with many new beginners, and I was totally one of them. Totally understand reading the terms like dodgeball/combat archery can seem intimidating but looking's the furthest thing from it.

I remember the day I was asked by my boyfriend, "Hey! Do you wanna go to the Archers Arena today?", I replied "Uhm, sorry the what?". "Archers Arena! It's like dodgeball, except with bows and arrows!" After 4 seconds of deliberation, I was in!

So off we went to North York and pulled up at Archers Arena, gosh was I ever nervous. We walked through the door into Archers Arena where the front entrance area was a group of folks who had just finished playing an hour of combat archery and re-capping all the sick moves.  "Dude I totally got you in the last combat!" or "Oooo that was a great shot!" rang throughout and it immediately lifted my spirits to see all of the excitement.

We were greeted by one the coaches at the front desk and he explained when the next session was running and where we could find the lockers, washrooms and invited us to use the pool or foos ball table or take some selfies on the throne of arrows (seriously, this chair is adorned with arrows and looks pretty cool). We chilled out on one of the comfy couches and looked at all of the different combat archery game modes posted on the wall. There are so many! Game modes can lean toward combat archery themes where I started to channel my inner Legolas. Or modes can be a playful co-operative archery tag theme like Infection to encourage our team to work together.

Our session started and we were lead to the orientation space. The coaches at Archers Arena are incredibly dynamic teachers while making sure everyone is having fun but is also safe at the same time. In our orientation, we were taught how to properly get our safety gear on, handle a bow, nock our arrows, aim at our targets with posture and shoot with confidence. My worries had totally gone away and felt pumped to get out into the arena.

We got out to the court where our coach further explained arena and game mode rules. Divided into 2 teams, we separated towards each end of the arena. The coach yelled "Ready?! 3,2,1 GO!" and in a mad dash we all raced to the centre to grab our arrows and load our bows to start our first combat archery game. What a rush! Honestly, nocking your arrow and getting your first hit felt AWESOME! That was when I think I caught the combat archery bug.

We got to play so many game modes and got a good taste of both combat archery and dodgeball archery. The strategy, teamwork, rivalry and omg the workout (protein and stretch!) was the beginning of immersing into a whole new sport but also a new community. A community that is full of support and is so welcoming. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned archery vet, the archery community at Archers Arena is accommodating to all skill levels just out love and admiration of an evolving sport.

So here I am, around a year later with many, many visits with my boyfriend to Archers Arena and I absolutely adore the sport, the energy and the new friends we have made. Once a form of defense, has evolved into a sport that I never knew existed but so happy to be a part of. So go ahead, try it! Make an appointment, make the drive, take a deep breath and try combat archery. Who knows, you may catch the archery bug too....just the way I did.

Your fellow archer,

Erin S.

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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Christmas Party? Say no more, we got you!

It's time to start planning your Christmas party, and we're here to help!

Alright, at the risk of being that annoying store that already has Christmas decorations out, we need to start talking about Christmas parties. C'mon we all know that the responsible thing to do is to book your Christmas party...and soon before it's too late!

Why not bring your colleagues to Archers Arena and partake in some combat archery instead of hosting another Myers Briggs session? Or sure, you could take your teams out for supper but that's kinda boring, right?

Why have your Christmas party at Archers Arena?

- Archers Arena is the #1 rated archery tag facility in Toronto that has the space and amenities to host your Christmas party. Archers Arena is fully equipped with the latest, greatest and safest equipment to get your team game ready with the assistance from our supportive staff.

- Combat archery is an activity everyone at the water cooler can enjoy. No experience is necessary to participate as our dynamic Archers Arena coaches will guide your team through a comprehensive orientation prior to game play.

- Witness your colleagues turn into teams as they participate in the different game modes that encourages strategy and communication with each other. Combat archery is a great way to build leadership and strengthen comradery!

- Choosing Archers Arena and combat archery as your Christmas party is pretty ideal to instill and promote exercise, moral and a positive corporate culture.

- At our facility, we have 2 full competition courts where we can have 10 vs 10 matches on both sides. The 2 courts can then be combined to accommodate larger groups of up to 80 people. Come experience our unique game modes, take down enemies from the sniper tower and chill out in our lounge. Our lounge alone is awesome with foos ball, pool table and throne of arrows (guaranteed to prompt some fun selfies).

- Your combat archery Christmas party can be tailored to fit your company's needs and budget. Our Archers Arena team is ready to help plan your corporate event and ensure that a great time is had by all. We can customize session length and accommodate up to 80 people at once. Check out the reviews of Archers Arena or watch to see for yourself the positive outcome your team will have at the end of your combat archery experience!

How to book your combat archery Christmas party

Archers Arena can be reached at (647)-992-7362or where we can start to plan your Christmas party! Don't be that boss, start planning a Christmas Party nobody will forget. In fact, we are certain that it will be the #1 topic at the water cooler for the next 7 -10 business days, 100%.

From your fellow archer,

Erin S.

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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Sharpie Your Calendar, its Tournament Time!

Season 12 Combat Archery Tournament at Archers Arena – October 27, 2017

You guys, there’s a combat archery tournament happening. Aaaaand Archers Arena is hosting it, so it’s time to gear up archers! Seriously, book yourself busy for Friday October 27, 2017 from 7:00pm-11:00pm and round up 5 of your archery loving buddies. This combat archery tournament is perfect for the experienced archer as there is an awesome opportunity to explore the sport of combat archery even further. Yup, you and your combat archery team will have the chance to join the Archers Arena team to compete against Combat D’Archers in Montreal! (Totally fan-girling right now btw. To be able to play along with the Archers Arena Coaches…how cool is that?)

So here’s what you gotta do to get in on the combat archery tournament action:

- Text your archery buddies and tell them that the Archers Arena is hosting another combat archery tournament,  and because you guys are so awesome at combat archery you should probably register a team asap. Also let each of your combat archery team members know that it will certainly be the best $25.00 they’ve spent all month, 100%.

- Let your team know that the tournament is 6 vs 6 and is a standard elimination combat archery game setting.

- Come up with a really awesome team name. Something that sounds good in this sentence: “The winner is team (insert your team name here )!”

- So of course your archery buddies are on board, it’s time to go register with Archers Arena. You can register your combat archery team by calling Archers Arena at (647) 992-1362 or through the tournament section

Once you’ve registered your team:

- No worries about archery gear. Archers Arena has it covered with their bows, arrows, arm guards and the always appreciated “fresh n so clean clean” masks.

-Join in on one of the coaches nights that are hosted on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:00pm-11:00pm to get some solid archery practice time in.

- Be sure to show up at the Archers Arena with your combat archery team for 7:00pm to sign in on the day of the tournament.

Lots of chances to win Archers Arena prizes but the ultimate prize of course is all the glory and mega bragging rights you and your combat archery team can handle. All this for 1 Friday night, a team of 6 bad-ass archers, 3 hours and $25.00 each. Pretty sweet deal right? Get to it archers and register your team! 

Your fellow archer,

Erin S.


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Archers Arena Archers Arena

Summer camps at Archers Arena!

School’s out, kids are back in their homes with nothing to do, and parents are getting headaches trying to figure out what to do with them, as they still have to go to work. One of the most obvious things to do, other than employing a sitter, would be to send them to camp! Then comes the harder question of “Which camp should I send my kid to”? That answer should be obvious as well: Archers Arena!

What makes Archers Arena the optimal camp choice to send your child to? For starters, we’ve already held a camp during March break. It was such a success that we had to add an extra day to the schedule since kids loved it so much they kept coming back for more! Not only is our facility kid friendly, but we also have staff that know how to handle large groups of kids safely and effectively. That being said, not only is our staff top-notch, our equipment also raises the bar quality-wise. Equipment, you ask? What for? Allow me to explain.

Archers Arena is already recognized for its combat archery tag, or archery dodgeball, therefore of course we are going to get your child acquainted with proper use of bow and arrows, as well as shooting targets before playing. Combat archery tag, for the unfamiliar parent, is a mix of dodgeball, archery, and paintball tactics. Since it’s always safety first with us, we give a full archery lesson (30 mins) before we let the kids play archery dodgeball.

We have also recently started up Nerf Wars at the Arena, which is also a feature we offer in the camps. With the best equipment available on the market, we ensure safe and effective game play, fun for all ages. Nerfing isn’t a new concept, there are plenty of different games modes and equipment, and nerf wars can be conducted in multiple different environments. After some research we believe to have combined the best of Nerf products, which you can view in this article.

In addition to our two main attractions, we also slip in some time to play bubble soccer with our huge inflatable balls, as well as some larping in the form of Champions Arena. The later allows kids to run around with different weapon types in different classes which have different perks, reminiscent of video games to get their imagination running and make them feel like heroes. Our facility also offers a 20 people cinema room for movie time, along with board games, foosball, pool, and ping pong tables for down-time.

At 75$ per child, camp is offered from July 3rd to July 28th, with the option of signing up for one week at a time for the full month. Drop off earliest at 9am, pick up at 5pm, allowing for a worry free day, knowing your child is in good hands. Any additional questions, feel free to give us a call at 647-99ARENA (27362).

*Kids aged 8-14 only.

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